Folsom point

A Folsom projectile point

Folsom points are projectile points associated with the Folsom tradition of North America. The style of tool-making was named after the Folsom site located in Folsom, New Mexico, where the first sample was found in 1908 by George McJunkin within the bone structure of an extinct bison, Bison antiquus, an animal hunted by the Folsom people.[1] The Folsom point was identified as a unique style of projectile point in 1926.[2] The Folsom point found in association with the extinct bison bones proved to the scientific community that humans had lived in the Americas thousands of years longer than many had previously believed.

  1. ^ "No. 2010: George McJunkin and Ales Hrdlicka".
  2. ^ American Museum of Natural History Archived May 6, 2009, at the Wayback Machine