Food porn

A jelly roll

Food porn (or foodporn) is a glamourized visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements, infomercials, blogs, cooking shows, and other visual media.[1] Its origins come from a restaurant review e-commerce platform called Foodporn.[2] Food porn often takes the form of food photography with styling that presents food provocatively, in a similar way to glamour photography or pornographic photography.

  1. ^ Probyn, Elspeth (1999). "Beyond Food/Sex: Eating and an Ethics of Existence". Theory, Culture & Society. 16 (2): 215–228. doi:10.1177/02632769922050485. S2CID 143485551.
  2. ^ "Food Porn: Are You Ready To Take A Stand?". Rodriguez, Cecilia. Forbes. 10 March 2014. Archived from the original on 13 February 2021. Retrieved 20 September 2020.