Foreign aid to Sudan

There is a significant amount of foreign aid to Sudan, including a large amount of relief aid from international organizations to alleviate the effects of civil wars in the South and in Darfur. Amounts vary according to the intensity of the conflicts and rainfall patterns, both of which affect food production. Much aid is channeled through the United Nations, which sought to raise US$225 million for its programs in 2003–04.

Based on data from the international economic organization, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the U.S. has provided one-third of aid to Sudan between 2000 and 2009, making it the largest donor for most of these years. The European Union institutions, provided 13.4% of aid during the same period.[1] During these years, Arab country governments, including Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates, made two large contributions: U.S.$146.4 million in 2000 and U.S.$81.8 million in 2008. Overall, these countries account for 2.3% of the total aid during the same nine-year period.[1]

Top 10 donors of official development assistance (2008–2009 average) to Sudan[2]
Rank Country Total Assistance
1 United States $901M
2 EU Institutions $252M
3 United Kingdom $246M
4 Netherlands $127M
5 Japan $124M
6 Norway $106M
7 Canada $94M
8 Arab countries $78M
9 Sweden $60M
10 Germany $47M
  1. ^ a b Poole, Lydia. "Sudan Aid Factsheet 1995–2009" (PDF). Global Humanitarian Assistance. Retrieved April 11, 2011.
  2. ^ Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; World Bank. "Sudan". Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Retrieved April 11, 2011.