Fortified house

Fortified house in Camarsac, 14th century (artist's impression by Viollet-le-Duc)
Schloss Hart by the Harter Graben near Kindberg, Austria
Fortified house of San Gregorio (Casa Fuerte de San Gregorio) in Almarza
Kränzelstein in Sarnthein, South Tyrol
Topplerschlösschen in Fuchmühle, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Bavaria, Germany

A fortified house or fortified mansion is a type of building which developed in Europe during the Middle Ages, generally with significant fortifications added. During the earlier Roman period it was common for wealthy landowners to construct unfortified villas on their lands. After the fall of Rome, increased social instability and military conflict necessitated more austere, defensible types of structures.