Free Dacians

Map of Roman Dacia between 106 and 271, including the areas with Free Dacians, Carpi and Costoboci

The so-called Free Dacians (Romanian: Dacii liberi) is the name given by some modern historians to those Dacians[1] who putatively remained outside, or emigrated from, the Roman Empire after the emperor Trajan's Dacian Wars (AD 101-6). Dio Cassius named them Dakoi prosoroi (Latin: Daci limitanei) meaning "neighbouring Dacians".[2]

A population of Dacians existed on the fringes of the Balkan Roman provinces, especially in the eastern Carpathian Mountains, at least until about AD 340. They were responsible for a series of incursions into Roman Dacia in the period AD 120-272, and into the Roman Empire south of the Danube after the province of Dacia was abandoned by the Romans around AD 275.

  1. ^ CAH XII 30, 224
  2. ^ Garašanin, Benac (1973) 243