Free the nipple

A campaign participant at the World Naked Bike Ride in London, June 2015. Her nipples are covered with adhesive tape crosses and "Free the Nipple" is written on her torso.

Free the Nipple is a topfreedom campaign created in 2012 during pre-production of a 2014 film of the same name.[1][2] The campaign highlights the general convention of allowing men to appear topless in public while considering it sexual or indecent for women to do the same and asserts that this difference is discriminatory, contravening women's rights. The campaign argues that it should be legally and culturally acceptable for women to bare their nipples in public.[3]

  1. ^ Jenny Kutner (16 December 2014). ""Maybe America just needs a big blast of boobies": Lina Esco tells Salon about her topless crusade to free the nipple". Retrieved 4 April 2015.
  2. ^ Esco, Lina (9 December 2013). "Why I Made a Film Called Free the Nipple and Why I'm Being Censored in America". The Huffington Post. Retrieved 11 January 2017.
  3. ^ Höfner, Susan (2016). "Free the Nipple!". Retrieved 3 July 2024.