Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Rostkovius

Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Theophil Rostkovius (1770–1848) was a German physician, mycologist and botanist.

In 1801, he received his doctorate from the University of Halle with the thesis Dissertatio Botanica Inauguralis De Iunco (treatise on rushes).[1] He later settled in Stettin as a medical practitioner.[2]

The plant genus Rostkovia from the family Juncaceae was named in his honor by Nicaise Auguste Desvaux (1784-1856).[3] His name is also associated with the species Euphrasia rostkoviana.[4]

  1. ^ WorldCat Titles Dissertatio botanica de Junco.
  2. ^ BibDigital Diccionario Archived 2018-09-15 at the Wayback Machine (biographical information)
  3. ^ CRC world dictionary of plant names. 4. R - Z by Umberto Quattrocchi
  4. ^ Eyebright - LEO forums Euphrasia rostkoviana