From (SQL)

The SQL From clause is the source of a rowset to be operated upon in a Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement. From clauses are very common, and will provide the rowset to be exposed through a Select statement, the source of values in an Update statement, and the target rows to be deleted in a Delete statement. [1]

FROM is an SQL reserved word in the SQL standard. [2]

The FROM clause is used in conjunction with SQL statements, and takes the following general form:

 FROM table_name 
 WHERE predicate

The From clause can generally be anything that returns a rowset, a table, view, function, or system-provided information like the Information Schema, which is typically running proprietary commands and returning the information in a table form.[3]

  1. ^ "From clause in Transact SQL".
  2. ^ "Reserved Words in SQL".
  3. ^ "System Information Schema Views (Transact-SQL)".