
Chemical structure of fumonisin B1

The fumonisins are a group of mycotoxins derived from Fusarium and their Liseola section.[1] They have strong structural similarity to sphinganine, the backbone precursor of sphingolipids.[2]

More specifically, it can refer to:

As the fumonisins appear to be non-genotoxic the possibility that they belong to another class of non-genotoxic carcinogens, the peroxisome proliferators, was investigated[3]

Genetic engineering is reported as a promising means of detoxifying mycotoxins. This approach may provide innovative solutions to the problem of fumonisin in corn.[4]

At least 15 different fumonisins have so far been reported and other minor metabolites have been identified, although most of them have not been shown to occur naturally.[5] In 2015, a unique class of non-aminated fumonisins[6] was reported on grapes infected with Aspergillus welwitschiae, although their toxicities have not yet been established.

  1. ^ Fumonisins at the U.S. National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
  2. ^ Gelderblom, Wentzel C. A.; Marasas, Walter F. O.; Vleggaar, R.; Thiel, Pieter G.; Cawood, M. E. (February 1992). "Fumonisins: Isolation, chemical characterization and biological effects". Mycopathologia. 117 (1–2): 11–16. doi:10.1007/BF00497273. PMID 1513367. S2CID 12066786.
  3. ^ Jackson, Lauren S.; Jonathan W. DeVries; Lloyd B. Bullerman (1996). Fumonisins In Food. New York, NY: Plenum Press. p. 289. ISBN 0-306-45216-2.
  4. ^ Igawa, T; Takahashi-Ando, N; Ochiai, N; Ohsato, S; Shimizu, T; Kudo, T; Yamaguchi, I; Kimura, M (March 2007). "Reduced contamination by the Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone in maize kernels through genetic modification with a detoxification gene". Appl Environ Microbiol. 73 (5): 1622–9. Bibcode:2007ApEnM..73.1622I. doi:10.1128/aem.01077-06. PMC 1828766. PMID 17209063.
  5. ^ Marasas, W.F.O.; J.D. Miller; R.T. Riley; A. Visconti (2000). Environmental Health Criteria 219: Fumonisin B1. Vammala, Finland: World Health Organization. p. 9. ISBN 92-4-157219-1.
  6. ^ Renaud, J.B.R; M.J Kelman; Tianyu F. Qi; K.A. Seifert; M.W. Sumarah (2015). "Product ion filtering with rapid polarity switching for the detection of all fumonisins and AAL-toxins". Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 29 (22). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry Volume 29, Issue 22, 30 November 2015, Pages 2131–2139: 2131–2139. Bibcode:2015RCMS...29.2131R. doi:10.1002/rcm.7374. PMID 26467225.