GI glasses

GI glasses, gray cellulose acetate, 1960s design
Army issue glasses from the mid-1980s
Male S9 ("MS9") GI glasses, 1990s design
Female S9 ("FS9") GI glasses
Model "5A" GI glasses, 2012 design

GI glasses are eyeglasses issued by the American military to its service members. Dysphemisms for them include the most common "birth control glasses" (BCGs) and other variants. At one time, they were officially designated as regulation prescription glasses (RPGs).[citation needed] This was commonly said to mean "rape prevention glasses" due to their unstylish appearance.[citation needed] At times in the US Navy they were called to "Standard Navy Ugly Glasses" (SNUGs). Similar glasses (without metal) can be issued to inmates in state and federal prisons.