GR 7

The GR 7 is a long-distance footpath in Spain, Andorra and France. It is part of both the Spanish network of Senderos de Gran Recorrido and the French network of Sentiers de Grandes Randonnées. Part of GR 7 forms the south-westernmost part of the European walking route E4 in Spain. GR 7 runs from Tarifa, near Gibraltar, across Spain, through France into Andorra, and back into France to Mont Aigoual and Aire-de-Côte in the Cevennes.[1] GR 7 continues north from the Cevennes mountains and the final 250 km end on the top of the Ballon d'Alsace, Alsace, northern France; here it meets E5.[1]

  1. ^ a b "Walking Paths in Las Alpujarras". Archived from the original on 15 August 2014. Retrieved 20 June 2015.