Galilee Basin

The Galilee Basin is a large inland geological basin in the western Queensland region of Australia. The Galilee Basin is part of a larger Carboniferous to Mid-Triassic basin system that contains the Cooper Basin, situated towards the south-west of the Galilee Basin, and the Bowen Basin to the east.[1] The Galilee Basin covers a total area of approximately 247,000 square kilometres (95,000 sq mi).[2] The basin is underlain by the Carboniferous Drummond Basin and overlain by the CretaceousJurassic Eromanga Basin.[2] The Triassic and younger sediments of the Galilee Basin form the basal sequence of the Great Artesian Basin drainage basin.[3]

Location of the Galilee Basin
  1. ^ Phillips, L., Esterle, J. & Sliwa, R., 2015, Rationalising the Late Permian coal seam stratigraphy of the Koburra Trough, Galilee Basin. Bowen Basin Symposium 2015, p219 – 226.
  2. ^ a b Scott, S.G., Beeston, J,W., Carr, A.F., 1995, Galilee Basin. In: Ward CR, Harrington HJ, Mallett CW and Beeston JW (eds) Geology of Australian Coal Basins. Geological Society of Australia – Coal Geology Group. 1, 341–353.
  3. ^ Stephen Parsons, Rick Evans, Malcolm Cox, Aquifer connectivity within the Great Artesian Basin, and the Surat, Bowen and Galilee Basins. Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Coal Mining.