
Family coat of arms
CountryKingdom of Sicily
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Kingdom of Italy
Place of originCalabria
Founded14th century
FounderCristoforo Galluppi
TitlesBarons of Cirella and Joppolo
Barons of Pancaldo
Knights of the Order of Malta
Connected membersPasquale Galluppi
Giuseppe Galluppi

The Galluppi family is an Italian noble family originally from Tropea and comprising various branches, one of which settled in France in the fourteenth century, another in Sicily around the end of the sixteenth. One of the members of the family named Cristoforo married in 1340 Donna Giacoma Ruffo, baroness of Altavilla, obtaining as a dowry half of the baronial fiefdom of Altavilla.[1][2]

  1. ^ "TropeaMagazine - Le famiglie Galluppi di Tropea, di Sicilia e di Aix in Provenza di Goffredo Crollalanza". Retrieved 2021-06-11.
  2. ^ Count Berardo Candida-Gonzaga (1875). Memorie delle famiglie nobili delle province meridionali d'Italia - Volume 2. Stab. tip. del Cav. G. de Angelis e figlio. p. 41.