Game On (exhibition)

Game On is a touring exhibition on the history and culture of computer games. The exhibition was first shown at the Barbican Centre in London in 2002, and has since been exhibited by Barbican International Enterprises to over 20 countries, where it has been seen by over 2 million people.[citation needed]

The exhibition displays notable game developments from the early sixties to the present day, from the PDP-1 in 1960 to contemporary industry releases.

It reveals the design processes behind four of the most significant games of recent times: Tomb Raider, Grand Theft Auto, Pokémon and The Sims, following these games from their initial concept to the final product design.

Over 150 playable games are available, including Donkey Kong, Pong and Rock Band, and the top ten most influential games consoles.

Game On aims to highlight the wider, global framework of gaming, exploring the influence of manga and anime on computer games, as well as the films that have been influenced by, and continue to influence computer games. The exhibition also considers online gaming, music compositions for games, and the latest game technologies.[1]

  1. ^ "Barbican International Enterprises – Touring Exhibitions". Retrieved 30 September 2015.