
Gampopa Sönam Rinchen
Bornc. 1079 CE
Budnyi Chedrak Serlung, Nyel valley, Gyaza dzong and Lung dzong, Tibet
Diedc. 1153 CE
Occupation(s)Buddhist teacher, monk and philosopher
Known forFounder of the Dagpo Kagyu school and Daklha Gampo monastery, teacher of sutra Mahamudra.
Gampopa in the American Museum of Natural History, New York City

Gampopa Sönam Rinchen (Tibetan: སྒམ་པོ་པ་བསོད་ནམས་རིན་ཆེན་, Wylie: sgam po pa bsod nams rin chen, 1079–1153) was the main student of Milarepa, and a Tibetan Buddhist master who codified his own master's ascetic teachings, which form the foundation of the Kagyu educational tradition. Gampopa was also a doctor and tantric master. He authored the first Lamrim text, Jewel Ornament of Liberation, and founded the Dagpo Kagyu school. He is also known as Dvagpopa, and by the titles Dakpo Lharjé "the physician from Dakpo" (Tibetan: དྭགས་པོ་ལྷ་རྗེ་, Wylie: dwags po lha rje) and Daö Zhönnu, "Candraprabhakumara" (Tibetan: ཟླ་འོད་ཞོན་ནུ་, Wylie: zla 'od gzhon nu).[1][2]

  1. ^ Sgam-po-pa and Guenther, Herbert V. (trans). The Jewel Ornament of Liberation p. ix (Preface). Shambhala Publications (2001) ISBN 1-57062-614-6
  2. ^ TBRC RID P1844