Garden Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador

Garden Cove is a local service district and designated place in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. It is southeast of Swift Current. The residents of Sound Island moved without government assistance during a period around 1953. They moved to the mainland into Garden Cove and surrounding communities. Today Garden Cove has an active close community. There is a tour boat, Merasheen which is part of the Woody Island Resort hotel which gives people a Newfoundland outport experience. Garden Cove has hiking trails passing by Big Rock Hill and Placentiamans Point. There is an inshore fishery operating there. Some species caught are lobster, cod, mackerel, herring, crab, scallops, mussels, flounder and trout. Late in summer Tuna chase bill fish just off shore.

Pods of fish called locally pot head Wales can be watched from shore. The harbour authority is run by the government using volunteers. Boats can be launched and docked there. Fresh water is available at the dock. The summer offers sheltered boating.