General Scholium

The General Scholium (Latin: Scholium Generale) is an essay written by Isaac Newton, appended to his work of Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, known as the Principia. It was first published with the second (1713) edition of the Principia and reappeared with some additions and modifications on the third (1726) edition.[1] It is best known for the "Hypotheses non fingo" ("I frame no hypothesis") expression, which Newton used as a response to some of the criticism received after the release of the first edition (1687). In the essay Newton not only counters the natural philosophy of René Descartes and Gottfried Leibniz, but also addresses issues of scientific methodology, theology, and metaphysics.

  1. ^ The General Scholium online, trans. Andrew Motte, 1729. "KEYNES MS 8 - Normalised transcription". Archived from the original on 24 May 2010. Retrieved 20 July 2010.