Genitofemoral nerve

Genitofemoral nerve
Plan of lumbar plexus. (Genitofemoral nerve visible at upper left.)
The lumbar plexus and its branches. (Genitofemoral nerve visible at upper left.)
FromLumbar plexus
ToLumboinguinal, genital branch
InnervatesCremaster muscle

Anterior scrotum in males

Mons pubis in females
Latinnervus genitofemoralis
nervus genitalifemoralis
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

The genitofemoral nerve is a mixed branch of the lumbar plexus derived from anterior rami of L1-L2. It splits a genital branch and a femoral branch. It provides sensory innervation to the upper anterior thigh, as well as the skin of the anterior scrotum in males and mons pubis in females. It also provides motor innervation to the cremaster muscle (via its genital branch).