Geometric series

The geometric series 1/4 + 1/16 + 1/64 + 1/256 + ... shown as areas of purple squares. Each of the purple squares has 1/4 of the area of the next larger square (1/2×1/2 = 1/4, 1/4×1/4 = 1/16, etc.). The sum of the areas of the purple squares is one third of the area of the large square.
Another geometric series (coefficient a = 4/9 and common ratio r = 1/9) shown as areas of purple squares. The total purple area is S = a / (1 - r) = (4/9) / (1 - (1/9)) = 1/2, which can be confirmed by observing that the unit square is partitioned into an infinite number of L-shaped areas each with four purple squares and four yellow squares, which is half purple.

In mathematics, a geometric series is a series in which the ratio of successive adjacent terms is constant. In other words, the sum of consecutive terms of a geometric sequence forms a geometric series. Each term is therefore the geometric mean of its two neighbouring terms, similar to how the terms in an arithmetic series are the arithmetic means of their two neighbouring terms.

Geometric series have been studied in mathematics from at least the time of Euclid in his work, Elements, which explored geometric proportions. Archimedes further advanced the study through his work on infinite sums, particularly in calculating areas and volumes of geometric shapes (for instance calculating the area inside a parabola). In the early development of modern calculus, they were paradigmatic examples of both convergent series and divergent series and thus came to be crucial references for investigations of convergence, for instance in the ratio test for convergence and in the definitions of rates of convergence. Geometric series have further served as prototypes in the study of mathematical objects such as Taylor series, generating functions, and perturbation theories.

Geometric series have been applied to model a wide variety of natural phenomena and social phenomena, such as the expansion of the universe where the common ratio between terms is defined by Hubble's constant, the decay of radioactive carbon-14 atoms where the common ratio between terms is defined by the half-life of carbon-14, probabilities of winning in games of chance where the common ratio could be determined by the odds of a roulette wheel, and the economic values of investments where the common ratio could be determined by a combination of inflation rates and interest rates.

In general, a geometric series is written as , where is the initial term and is the common ratio between adjacent terms. For example, the series

is geometric because each successive term can be obtained by multiplying the previous term by .

Truncated geometric series are called "finite geometric series" in certain branches of mathematics, especially in 19th century calculus and in probability and statistics and their applications.

The standard capital-sigma notation[1] expression for the infinite geometric series is

and the corresponding expression for the finite geometric series is

Any finite geometric series has the sum , and when the infinite series converges to the limit value .

Though geometric series are most commonly found and applied with the real or complex numbers for and , there are also important results and applications for matrix-valued geometric series, function-valued geometric series, p-adic number geometric series, and, most generally, geometric series of elements of abstract algebraic fields, rings, and semirings.

  1. ^ Cite error: The named reference Riddle was invoked but never defined (see the help page).