George Roche III

George Charles Roche III (May 16, 1935 – May 5, 2006) was the 11th president of Hillsdale College, serving from 1971 to 1999. He was led to resign after a scandal surrounding an alleged sexual affair between him and his daughter-in-law, Lissa Jackson Roche, and her subsequent suicide.

Roche received his bachelor's degree from Regis College (now Regis University) in 1956. He later received a master's and Ph.D. from the University of Colorado.

Before becoming president of Hillsdale College, Roche was a professor at the Colorado School of Mines. He also worked with the Foundation for Economic Education.

The Center for Constructive Alternatives seminar program and the college's widely circulated speech digest, Imprimis, were started during Roche's years as college president. Under his leadership, many new buildings were constructed, including a sports complex that bears his name. Roche authored many books, such as Legacy of Freedom, The Bewildered Society, and The Book of Heroes. Lissa is sometimes listed as a co-author of The Book of Heroes and is acknowledged as a major contributor in its introduction.

Ronald Reagan appointed Roche chairman of the National Council on Educational Research in 1984.