Gibbs surround

Side door at Wimpole Hall, Cambridgeshire, by James Gibbs

A Gibbs surround or Gibbs Surround is a type of architectural frame surrounding a door, window or niche in the tradition of classical architecture otherwise known as a rusticated doorway or window. The formula is not fixed, but several of the following elements will be found. The door is surrounded by an architrave, or perhaps consists of, or is flanked by, pilasters or columns. These are with "blocking", where rectangular blocks stick out at intervals, usually alternating to represent half the surround. Above the opening there are large rusticated voussoirs and a keystone and a pediment above that.[1] The most essential element is the alternation of blocking with non-blocking elements.[2] Some definitions extend to including arches or square openings merely with alternate blocked elements that continue round the top in the same manner as the sides, as in the rectangular windows of the White House's north front basement level.[1][3]

Though intended for masonry in stone, the motif can be executed in other materials, especially brick, often masked in stucco, wood, or just paint.[1] British vernacular housing of the late 19th century often uses alternating coloured blocks, with little or no projection from the main wall plane, but emphasized by a different colour from the main wall. These can be seen even on small terraced houses, often using cast stone, and used on both the door and ground floor windows.

  1. ^ a b c Loth
  2. ^ Compare the stricter definition of the Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture, ed. Cyril M. Harris, p. 250, 2013 reprint, Courier Corporation, ISBN 9780486132112, "The framing of a door or window by a head composed of a triple keystone and by jambs that are bordered by protruding blocks of stone", with that of the Illustrated Dictionary of Building, by Peter Brett: "A door surround in the style of the architect James Gibb. It consists of large blocks of stone interrupting the architrave."
  3. ^ Chitham, 126, who uses this wide definition