Gijsbert de Leve

Gijsbert (Gijs) de Leve (15 August 1926 – 19 November 2009)[1] was a Dutch mathematician and operations researcher, known for his work on Markov decision process.[2] Gijs de Leve is considered the founder of operations research in the Netherlands.[3]

  1. ^ Lenstra, Jan Karel, and Henk Tijms. "In Memoriam Gijs de Leve (1926–2009)." Statistica Neerlandica 64.2 (2010): 129–130.
  2. ^ Jan Karel Lenstra Twenty-five years of operations research in the Netherlands : papers dedicated to Gijs de Leve. Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica. 1989
  3. ^ Wagelmans, Albert. "Moeilijk doen als het ook makkelijk kan." (2008). p. 4