Gilardo Gilardi Conservatory of Music

Gilardo Gilardi Conservarory of Music (Conservatorio de Música Gilardo Gilardi) is a music conservatory in La Plata, Argentina.

Founded as Conservatorio de Música y Arte Escénico (Conservatory of Music and Scenic Art) on 18 May 1949, this tertiary educational institution was the brainchild of the Argentine composer Alberto Ginastera. He envisaged a modern academy of musical studies that addressed both the professional and the artistic aspects of a musician's development. Argentine law 5322, approved on 29 October 1948 and promulgated on 23 November 1948, authorised its establishment and Ginastera became its first director. In 1960 it was suggested that the conservatory should be named in Ginastera's honour but convention was against honouring a living person. Consequently, when Gilardo Gilardi died in 1967, his name was adopted by the Conservatory.[1]

Departments reflect every speciality of the orchestra. Courses are also offered through the faculties of pianoforte, guitar, singing, organ, conducting and music education. Diplomas are awarded for all levels of teaching in the educational system of Argentina.[1]