Ginde Beret

Gindabarat (formerly known as: Kuttaayee-Liiban ) is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. The district is marginal within the central-highlands of Ethiopia, being isolated geographically by lowland gorges and rivers which physically separate it from all but one neighboring district (Abuna Gindabarat), due to a poor road network. Part of the West Shewa Zone, Gindabarat is bordered on the south by Jeldu, on the southwest by Ambo, on the west by the Guder River which separates it from the Horo Guduru Welega Zone, on the north by the Abay River which separates it from the Amhara Region, on the east by the Muger River which separates it from the North Shewa Zone, and on the southeast by Meta Robi. The major town in Gindabarat is Kachise (also called Kachisi). Abuna Gindabarat woreda was separated from Gindabarat.