Global Day of Action

Oxfam protestors in Bali (Indonesia, 2007)
Tens of thousands of people marching in Copenhagen for climate justice (2009)[1]

Global Day of Action is a direct action protest format. Environmentalism initiatives began to use it in 2005 in connection with Global Climate Campaign. They aimed to focus world attention on the anthropogenic effect that humans are having on global warming. Its main objective is to spearhead demands that elected representatives of their respective governments honor commitments set forth by the Kyoto Protocol, by conducting in unison peaceful demonstrations around the world. The demonstration, or rallies, are intended to coincide with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), a meeting of world leaders from 189 nations, that meet annually to discuss climate change.

  1. ^ Bibi van der Zee and, David Batty "Copenhagen climate protesters rally", The Guardian, 12 December 2009 (page visited on 17 December 2017).