Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace

The Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace was created in 2015 in Geneva[1] at the initiative of 15 co-convening UN Member States to analyse water in the context of maintaining peace and security and to move this issue from a technical to a political level.[2] Chaired by Dr. Danilo Türk, the former President of the Republic of Slovenia, the Panel presented its landmark report, A Matter of Survival,[3] in Geneva in 2017. The Geneva Water Hub, acted as Secretariat to the Panel.[4] The Strategic Foresight Group[5] was the main intellectual partner of the Panel.

  1. ^ Geneva, United Nations Office of. "Where global solutions are shaped for you | The Director-General | Launching of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace". Retrieved 2017-07-17.
  2. ^ UN-Water (2017-09-18). "Report of the Global High Level Panel on Water and Peace". UN-Water. Retrieved 2019-09-17.
  3. ^ "A Matter of Survival - Report of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace - World". ReliefWeb. Retrieved 2019-09-17.
  4. ^ "Launch of the report and recommendations of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace - Plateforme pour le droit international de l'eau douce - UNIGE". 2017-08-31. Retrieved 2019-09-17.
  5. ^ "Home".