Good government organizations in the United States

The United States has a history of citizen, nonprofit, and other non-partisan groups advocating good government that reaches back to the late-19th-century municipal-level Progressive Movement (see Progressivism in the United States Municipal Administration) and the development of governmental professional associations in the early part of the 20th century, such as the American Public Human Services Association and the International City/County Management Association. Many of these groups had their genesis at the Public Administration Center at 1313 East 60th Street, at the University of Chicago.[1]

Some 600 members and friends of the Good Government organization in Los Angeles, California, pose for a photo in December 1909 to celebrate winning a municipal election.

Today, a wide range of non-partisan good government groups are committed to improving management at all levels of government. These are a mix of professional associations, advocacy groups, foundations, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. Some focus on improvements in the different levels of government, such as the federal government; some focus on specific geographic areas, such as an individual city or region; and some focus on specific professional arenas, such as financial management or transparency in government.

  1. ^ Mosher, Fredrick. “American Public Administration,” (University of Alabama Press, 1975) p. 287.