Grampian orogeny

The Grampian orogeny was an orogeny (mountain building event) that affected Scotland in the middle of the Ordovician. At the time, Scotland was part of proto-North American continent Laurentia.

The orogeny is an early phase of the Caledonian orogeny and overlapped in time with the orogenies that formed the Appalachian Mountains. It was the only orogeny in Laurentia at that time which resulted in deformation, folding and metamorphism. The Fleur de Lys rocks in Newfoundland may have been affected by the Grampian orogeny as well.[1]

  1. ^ Schenk, P.E., ed. (2012). Regional Trends in the Geology of the Appalachian-Caledonian-Hercynian-Mauritanide Orogen. D. Reidel Publishing Company. p. 93.