
A cube and its greebled version
Greeble effects on a Lego spaceship model

Greebles, also greeblies (singular: greebly),[1] or "nurnies", are parts harvested from plastic modeling kits to be applied to an original model as a detail element. The practice of using parts in this manner is called "kitbashing".[2]

  1. ^ Visible V8 Opersting Engine Model; Quote: "If we can't give a name to something we call it a 'greebly'. Greebly is a word George Lucas coined on Star Wars for something you can't otherwise define." - Frank Burton, Property Department Head The Empire Strikes Back
  2. ^ Fronczek, Steve (January 20, 2008). "Interview: Charles Adams". Archived from the original on September 9, 2009. Retrieved September 8, 2022.