Greek Cypriots in Northern Cyprus

Enclaved Greek Cypriots are the Greek Cypriots who have remained in enclaved villages in Northern Cyprus after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974.[1]

In 2014, the population of Greek Cypriots was 343. The Greek Cypriots in Rizokarpaso elects their muhtar in the elections organized in the south by Republic of Cyprus (that has no legal personality in the laws of Northern Cyprus).[2]

  1. ^ Continuing concern for the enclaved Greek Cypriots in the occupied areas Archived 2009-05-13 at the Wayback Machine, United Nations, 11 March 1999.
  2. ^ "Rumlar Türkler'e izin vermedi" (in Turkish). Haberturk. Retrieved 20 Feb 2017.