Greenhouse Studios

Greenhouse Studios is a Canadian music recording studio founded by Bruce Levens in 1987 where over 1000 albums have been recorded in the last 25 years. Incorporated as Lions Gate Studios, it subsequently changed its name to Vancouver Studios before adopting its present name.

The studio started as a single room in half of an industrial building. As the business grew, the original MCI console was replaced by an SSL G Series, which brought in even bigger projects. A smaller studio was added for overdubs and budget-conscious artists. When the building next door became available, it was incorporated into the operation, and Studio 1 became a standalone studio. Two edit suites were added for post-production work. A penthouse studio and warehouse studio were added in the 1990s.

When the studio moved to downtown Vancouver in the early 2000s, a large tracking room, overdub studio and mix room were added. Greenhouse Studios currently operates the largest tracking room in Canada with a Neve console.