Greenland Landfill, Barbados

The Greenland Landfill has never been used. The controversial construction project was completed in the middle of a national park in the Scotland District of Barbados, and was subsequently deemed unfit for use as a landfill. Bajan people continue to be upset about the outcome, and it is utilized as a political talking point indicative of distrust and mismanagement. While the choice to put the landfill in a beautiful, newly established national park was considered absurd, Barbados is so small that there were limited options and the need to a solid waste solution was urgent. Due to the failure of this project, there continues to only be one functional landfill in Barbados. That landfill was negatively affecting resident's heath to the point that they were promised the closure of that landfill and the opening of another. The promise was unable to be kept due to conditions at Greenland Landfill.