Gregory of Langres

Gregory of Langres, also called Gregory of Autun, was a Gallo-Roman prelate, born around 446, count of Autun, in Saone-et-Loire then once widowed, towards 500, he becomes bishop of Langres, from 506 to his death in 539.[1][2] Gregory is a Saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church, which celebrates his feast day on 4 January.[3]

  1. ^ Paul Guérin, Les Petits Bollandistes; Vie des saints, t.13/20, Saint-Rémi, 7e édition, 1876 (ISBN 2845190697).
  2. ^ Venance Fortunat, Poésies, traduction Charles Nisard, Ed Librairie Firmin Didot et Cie 1887, Livre IV, paragraphe II.
  3. ^ January 17 / January 4.