Ground-adjustable propeller

A ground adjustable propeller on a Rotax 912S engine, mounted in a 3Xtrim 3X55 Trener.

A ground-adjustable propeller is a simple type of aircraft variable-pitch propeller where the blade angle can be adjusted between pre-set limits of fine and coarse pitch.[1] As its name implies, a ground-adjustable propeller may be adjusted only when the aircraft is on the ground and when the engine is not running.

Ground-adjustable propellers, which are mostly used on light and very light aircraft, are much cheaper and lighter than more sophisticated and versatile in-flight-adjustable propellers. A ground-adjustable propeller allows pitch changes to be made, although not in flight, to optimise the aircraft for current payload and flying conditions.[2]

  1. ^ Crane, Dale: Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms, third edition, page 86. Aviation Supplies & Academics, 1997. ISBN 1-56027-287-2
  2. ^ "Adjustable-Pitch Propellers (Part One)". Flight Learnings. Retrieved 6 June 2015.