Group extension

In mathematics, a group extension is a general means of describing a group in terms of a particular normal subgroup and quotient group. If and are two groups, then is an extension of by if there is a short exact sequence

If is an extension of by , then is a group, is a normal subgroup of and the quotient group is isomorphic to the group . Group extensions arise in the context of the extension problem, where the groups and are known and the properties of are to be determined. Note that the phrasing " is an extension of by " is also used by some.[1]

Since any finite group possesses a maximal normal subgroup with simple factor group , all finite groups may be constructed as a series of extensions with finite simple groups. This fact was a motivation for completing the classification of finite simple groups.

An extension is called a central extension if the subgroup lies in the center of .

  1. ^ group+extension#Definition at the nLab Remark 2.2.