Group for the Study of Reactive Motion

Group for the Study of Reactive Motion "GIRD"
Members of the Group for the Study of Reactive Motion. 1931. Left to right: standing I.P. Fortikov, Yu A Pobedonostsev, Zabotin; sitting: A. Levitsky, Nadezhda Sumarokova, Sergei Korolev, Boris Cheranovsky, Friedrich Zander
Parent institutionOsoaviakhim
Founder(s)Fredrich Tsander
Missionresearch and development
FocusLiquid-propellant rockets
Key peopleSergey Korolev
USSR, Moscow, Leningrad and other locations
Dissolvedin 1933 became RNII

The Moscow-based Group for the Study of Reactive Motion (also 'Group for the Investigation of Reactive Engines and Reactive Flight' and 'Jet Propulsion Study Group') (Russian: Группа изучения реактивного движения, Gruppa izucheniya reaktivnogo dvizheniya, better known for its Russian abbreviation ГИРД, GIRD) was a Soviet research bureau founded in 1931 to study various aspects of rocketry. GIRD launched the first Soviet liquid propellant rocket in August 1933. In November 1933 it was incorporated into the Reactive Scientific Research Institute (Реактивный научно-исследовательский институт, Reaktivnyy nauchno-issledovatel’skiy institut, РНИИ, RNII).