The hyperbolic angle measure is called the anti-gudermannian of or sometimes the lambertian of , denoted [4] In the context of geodesy and navigation for latitude , (scaled by arbitrary constant ) was historically called the meridional part of (French: latitude croissante). It is the vertical coordinate of the Mercator projection.
and this identity can serve as an alternative definition for and valid throughout the complex plane:
^The symbols and were chosen for this article because they are commonly used in geodesy for the isometric latitude (vertical coordinate of the Mercator projection) and geodetic latitude, respectively, and geodesy/cartography was the original context for the study of the Gudermannian and inverse Gudermannian functions.
^Gudermann published several papers about the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions in Crelle's Journal in 1830–1831. These were collected in a book, Gudermann (1833).