Gulsat Aygen

Gulsat Aygen
Academic work

Gülşat Aygen is a Turkish linguist, educator, author, editor, and translator. Aygen's research agenda includes both theoretical and applied linguistics, encompassing morphosyntax, language education, and many Turkic languages, particularly Turkish, her native language.[1][2][3][4][5] She is currently a distinguished teaching professor[6] of linguistics at Northern Illinois University.

Aygen's wider intellectual interests have led her to translate dozens of articles, a book, and edit many translated books from English to Turkish,[7][8][9][10] transcribe and edit old Ottoman manuscripts. The 8th edition of her translation of Elias Canetti’s Crowds and Power was published in 1998.[11]

  1. ^ "MITWPL catalog". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  2. ^ "Gulsat Aygen | Northern Illinois University -". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  3. ^ Aygen, Gulsat. "Are there "Non-Restrictive" Prerelatives in Turkish". Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  4. ^ Aygen, Gulsat (January 2007). "REDUCED OBJECT RELATIVES AND THE LOCATION OF AGREEMENT". California Linguistic Notes XXXII. 1-39.
  5. ^ Aygen, Gulsat (January 2004). "California Linguistic Notes Volume XXXVI No. 1 Spring 2011". Reduced Relatives and the Location of Agreement. California Linguistic Notes 36:1. 1-30.
  6. ^ "Presidential Teaching Professors - NIU - Office of the President". Northern Illinois University. Retrieved 2019-08-01.
  7. ^ Aygen, Gulsat (2013). Chomsky on Anarchism/Anarşizm Üzerine. Noam Chomsky. Istanbul: Agora Publishing.
  8. ^ Aygen, Gulsat (2010). Camera Politic: the politics and ideology of contemporary Hollywood Film/Politik Kamera: Çağdaş Hollywood Sinemasının Ideolojisi ve Politikası (2nd ed.) Michael Ryan. Istanbul: Ayrıntı Publications.
  9. ^ Aygen, Gulsat (1997). Crash/Çarpışma. James Graham Ballard. Istanbul: Ayrıntı Publications Literature Series.
  10. ^ Aygen, Gulsat (1996). Popular Cultures Rock Music, Sport and the Politics of Pleasure/ Popüler Kültürler Rock ve Sporda Haz Politikaları. David Rowe. Ayrıntı Publications.
  11. ^ Kitle ve İktidar (in Turkish).