Gyula Hevesi

Gyula Hevesi in 1919

Gyula Hevesi (21 November 1890, Ungvár – 25 February 1970, Budapest) was a Hungarian chemical engineer and communist politician. He was a member of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Soviet Republic.

Gyula Hevesi was born into a Jewish family. He was son of Adolf Hevesi and Mirjam Polacsek (Pártos). He continued his high school studies at the Lovag Street grammar school in Budapest. He then studied to be a chemical engineer at the Technical University of Budapest, where he graduated in 1912.[1] During 1913–1914 he worked as a technical consultant of the Pöstyén Spa Directorate, From 1914 to 1918 he worked at the United Incandescent Lamp and Electricity Company initially as a plant engineer then as a research engineer.[1] In 1917 he organized and until 1919 led the National Association of Applied Engineers, the world's first socialist engineering trade union. On December 29, 1918, he married Irma Róthbart (later wife of Ervin Sinkó), daughter of Jakab Róthbart and Janka Rosenwald,[2] but this marriage soon ended in divorce. A year later, he married Stern in Budapest on July 19, 1919, the daughter of Mózes Stern and Regina Auspitz.[3]

In 1918–1919 he worked with Aladár Komját to launch the first Hungarian communist journal, Internationálé.[4]

  1. ^ a b "Hevesi Gyula". Arcanum. Retrieved 18 October 2020.
  2. ^ The marriage is registered in Budapest IV. ker. civil marriage under the number: akv. 538/1918.
  3. ^ The marriage is registered in Budapest IV. ker. civil marriage under the number: akv. 280/1919.
  4. ^ Botar, Oliver (1997). Marquardt, Virginia (ed.). "From Avant-Garde to "Proletkult" in Hungarian Emigre Politico-Cultural Journals, 1922–1924". Art and Journals on the Political Front, 1910–1940. University Press of Florida: 100–141.