Illustration of HLA-B with peptide in the binding pocket.
HLA-B (alpha)-β2MG with bound peptide
major histocompatibility complex (human), class I, B39
Alleles B*3901, 3902, 3903, . .
Structure (See HLA-B)
Shared data
Locus chr.6 6p21.31

HLA-B39 (B39) is an HLA-B serotype. The serotype identifies the more common HLA-B*39 gene products.[1]

B39 is a split antigen of the broad antigen B16, and is a sister type of B38. B39 is most commonly found on the west pacific rim, in Japan and highest frequency in the new world. In Europe it is found in Scandinavia and Northern Russia.

  1. ^ Marsh, S. G.; Albert, E. D.; Bodmer, W. F.; Bontrop, R. E.; Dupont, B.; Erlich, H. A.; Fernández-Viña, M.; Geraghty, D. E.; Holdsworth, R.; Hurley, C. K.; Lau, M.; Lee, K. W.; Mach, B.; Maiers, M.; Mayr, W. R.; Müller, C. R.; Parham, P.; Petersdorf, E. W.; Sasazuki, T.; Strominger, J. L.; Svejgaard, A.; Terasaki, P. I.; Tiercy, J. M.; Trowsdale, J. (2010). "Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2010". Tissue Antigens. 75 (4): 291–455. doi:10.1111/j.1399-0039.2010.01466.x. PMC 2848993. PMID 20356336.