Computer illustration of HLA-B*0801 with EBV peptide in the binding pocket.
B*0801-β2MG with bound peptide1m05
major histocompatibility complex (human), class I, B8
Alleles B*0801
Structure (See HLA-B) Avail. 3D structures
EBI-HLA B*0801 1mi5​, 1m05
1agf​, 1age
1agd​, 1agc
Symbol(s) HLA-B
Locus chr.6 6p21.31

HLA-B8 (B8) is an HLA-B serotype. The serotype identifies the HLA-B*08 gene products.[1] (For terminology help see: HLA-serotype tutorial) HLA-B8, previously known as HL-A8 was one of the first identified of the HLA antigens. It coined the "Super B8" haplotype, also called the ancestral European haplotype because of its common occurrence in Europe, particular the isles and Scandinavia. B8 is a component gene-allele of the AH8.1 haplotype in Northern and Western Europeans. Genes between B8 and DR3 on this haplotype are frequently associated with autoimmune disease.

  1. ^ Marsh, S. G.; Albert, E. D.; Bodmer, W. F.; Bontrop, R. E.; Dupont, B.; Erlich, H. A.; Fernández-Viña, M.; Geraghty, D. E.; Holdsworth, R.; Hurley, C. K.; Lau, M.; Lee, K. W.; Mach, B.; Maiers, M.; Mayr, W. R.; Müller, C. R.; Parham, P.; Petersdorf, E. W.; Sasazuki, T.; Strominger, J. L.; Svejgaard, A.; Terasaki, P. I.; Tiercy, J. M.; Trowsdale, J. (2010). "Nomenclature for factors of the HLA system, 2010". Tissue Antigens. 75 (4): 291–455. doi:10.1111/j.1399-0039.2010.01466.x. PMC 2848993. PMID 20356336.