HaGashash HaHiver

HaGashash HaHiver
הגשש החיוור
Right to left: Gavriel Banai ("Gavri"), Yeshayahu Levi ("Shaike"), Yisrael Poliakov ("Poli")
Background information
Origin Israel
Years active1960s–2007
right to left: "Poli", "Shaike", "Gavri"

HaGashash HaHiver (Hebrew: הגשש החיוור, lit. The Pale Tracker) was an iconic Israeli comedy trio. It was also known as the Gashashim. Its three members were Yeshayahu Levi ("Shaike"), Yisrael Poliakov ("Poli") (deceased) and Gavriel Banai ("Gavri").