Hamate bone

Hamate bone
Left hand anterior view (palmar view). Hamate bone shown in red.
The left hamate bone
ArticulationsArticulates with five bones:
the lunate proximally
the fourth and fifth metacarpals distally
the triangular medially
the capitate laterally
Latinos hamatum
Anatomical terms of bone

The hamate bone (from Latin hamatus, "hooked"), or unciform bone (from Latin uncus, "hook"), Latin os hamatum and occasionally abbreviated as just hamatum,[1][2][3] is a bone in the human wrist readily distinguishable by its wedge shape and a hook-like process ("hamulus") projecting from its palmar surface.

  1. ^ Gdoura, F.; Trigui, M.; Ellouze, Z.; Hamed, Y. B.; Ayadi, K.; Keskes, H. (October 2010). "Hamatum osteoblastoma". Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Surgery & Research: OTSR. 96 (6): 712–716. doi:10.1016/j.otsr.2010.02.014. ISSN 1877-0568. PMID 20692218.
  2. ^ Mei, Guo-Hua; Wang, Hai-Ming; Fan, Cun-Yi; Zhang, Chang-Qing; Zeng, Bing-Fang (October 2014). "Possibility of the hamatum carpometacarpal joint as a new joint donor site for interphalangeal joint restoration". European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology: Orthopedie Traumatologie. 24 (7): 1175–1180. doi:10.1007/s00590-013-1300-4. ISSN 1633-8065. PMID 23982116. S2CID 25697262.
  3. ^ Alp, Nazmi Bülent; Kaleli, Tufan; Kalay, Onur Can; Karpat, Fatih; Akdag, Gokhan; Macunluoglu, Aslı Ceren; Oral, Gamze Saygı (2020). "The Effect of Hamatum Curvature Angle on Carpal Tunnel Volumetry: A Mathematical Simulation Model". Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 2020: 7582181. doi:10.1155/2020/7582181. ISSN 1748-6718. PMC 7312712. PMID 32617118.