Handball (schoolyard game)

Players2 minimum
SkillsManual dexterity
Social skills
Hand-eye coordination

Handball is a children's ball game widely documented in Australian schools, similar to downball. The rules of the game vary considerably across different sites and conditions, but it is generally played on a flat game court with lined square zones (occasionally with a wall for rebounds), and involves at least two players, who each occupies a square and take turns hitting a ball (often a tennis ball, squash ball or, occasionally, a bouncy ball) with their bare hands into other player's square(s). The game is very easy to set up and can be conveniently adapted to any environments where square/rectangular-lined flat grounds can be found, such as other gyms/arenas, parking spaces and even concrete slabbed driveways and footpaths.

In Australia and New Zealand, the sport is sometimes confused with European handball, an Olympic sport that is not widely played in either country.