Hans-Joachim Niemann

Hans-Joachim Niemann, 2020, 79 years old

Hans-Joachim Niemann (born 26 April 1941 in Kiel) is a German philosopher and PhD chemist,[1] who has become known especially as a translator and editor of works by Karl Popper, including first editions and first translations. As a scholarly writer, he first published scientific papers, then many essays and several books on Karl Popper's philosophy and Critical Rationalism, including a 400-page Lexicon of Critical Rationalism.[2] His Popper studies helped to establish Karl Popper as a major ethicist and as an important biophilosopher.

  1. ^ Title of his doctoral thesis: Zur kinetischen Analyse spektral-photometrisch verfolgter Photoreaktionen – Methodik und Anwendung der formalen Integration, University of Tübingen (Germany) 1972.
  2. ^ Niemann (2004), with about 1000 keywords.