Haplogroup I (mtDNA)

Haplogroup I
Possible time of origin20.1 kya (Olivieri 2013)
Possible place of originWest Asia (Terreros 2011 and Fernandes 2012), or Southwest Asia
AncestorN1a1b (former N1e'I), (Olivieri 2013)
DescendantsI1, I2'3, I4, I5, I6, I7 (Olivieri 2013)
Defining mutationsT10034C, G16129A!, G16391A (Behar & Family Tree DNA 2012)

Haplogroup I is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup. It is believed to have originated about 21,000 years ago, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) period in West Asia ((Olivieri 2013); Terreros 2011; Fernandes 2012). The haplogroup is unusual in that it is now widely distributed geographically, but is common in only a few small areas of East Africa, West Asia and Europe. It is especially common among the El Molo and Rendille peoples of Kenya, various regions of Iran, the Lemko people of Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine, the island of Krk in Croatia, the department of Finistère in France and some parts of Scotland and Ireland.