Has (region)

Has (Albanian definite form: Hasi) is a region in north eastern Albania and south western Kosovo.

Hasi is an ethno-geographic area with well-defined borders, surrounded by river Black Drin to its West and south west in Albania and by the White Drin river on its south, east and north east in Kosovo. Hasi area is located in north-eastern part of Albania, while the south-western part remaining in Kosovo, in Gjakova area and a part that captures the Prizren area. This division occurred in 1913 at the Ambassadors Conference of London after the Balkan wars.

Hasi has an area of 371 kilometers square and has a population of around 40,000 in the Republic of Kosovo, while in the Republic of Albania it has an area of 374 kilometers square and a population of 21,500. In this way, Hasi has an area of 745 kilometers square and a population of 61,500.