Hasmonean coinage

Coin of Antigonus (40 to 37 BCE)

Hasmonean coinage are the coins minted by the Hasmonean kings. Only bronze coins in various denominations have been found; the smallest being a prutah or a half prutah. Two Roman silver denarii are associated with the Hasmoneans; one has the inscription BACCIVS IVDAEAS; with its exact meaning unclear (short for "BASILEOS IUDAEAS", King Judas?)[citation needed]. Both show a man thought to be Yehuda Aristobolus bowing before a camel with a palm branch in his hand.[citation needed]

The Hebrew inscriptions found on Hasmonean coins are:

  • "Yehochanan Kohen Gadol Chever Hayehudim" (Yehochanan the High Priest, Council of the Jews).[1]
  • "Yehochanan Kohen Gadol Rosh Chever Hayehudim" (Yehochanan the High Priest, Head of the Council of the Jews).[1]
  • "Yehonatan Kohen Gadol Chever Hayehudim" (Yehonatan the High Priest, Council of the Jews).[1]
  • "Yehonatan Hamelech" (Yehonatan the King).[1]
  • "Yehudah Kohen Gadol Chever Hayehudim" (Yehudah the High Priest, Council of the Jews).[1]
  • "Malka Aleksandros" (King Alexander)[1]
  • "Matityahu Kohen Gadol Chever Hayehudim" (Matityahu the High Priest, Council of the Jews).[1]
  • "Matityahu HaKohen" (Matityahu the High Priest).[1]
  • "Mattityah"[1]
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i Ya'akov, Ya'akov. A Treasury of Jewish Coins : From the Persian Period to Bar Kokhba. Amphora Books. ISBN 978-0965402910.