Health data

Health data is any data "related to health conditions, reproductive outcomes, causes of death, and quality of life"[1] for an individual or population. Health data includes clinical metrics along with environmental, socioeconomic, and behavioral information pertinent to health and wellness. A plurality of health data are collected and used when individuals interact with health care systems. This data, collected by health care providers, typically includes a record of services received, conditions of those services, and clinical outcomes or information concerning those services.[2] Historically, most health data has been sourced from this framework. The advent of eHealth and advances in health information technology, however, have expanded the collection and use of health data—but have also engendered new security, privacy, and ethical concerns.[3] The increasing collection and use of health data by patients is a major component of digital health.

  1. ^ "health data". McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. McGraw-Hill. 2002.
  2. ^ Tzourakis, Melissa (1996). Richard Y. Wang (ed.). The Healthcare Industry and Data Quality (PDF). International Conference on Information Quality.
  3. ^ "What is digital health technology and what can it do for me?". NIHR Evidence. 2022. doi:10.3310/nihrevidence_53447. S2CID 252584020.