Hebrew Roots

The Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM) is a religious movement that advocates adherence to the Torah and believe that Y'shua or Jesus, is the Messiah.[1][2][3] The movement stipulates that the Law of Moses was not abolished by Y'shua or Jesus and is, therefore, still in effect for his followers. Because HRM believes the Mosaic law is still active, it advocates the keeping of the seventh-day Sabbath; biblical feasts; laws of cleanlines; and circumcision. Some HRM followers also choose to wear tzitzit and other Hebrew religious items.[citation needed] However, HRM followers do not generally follow Judaism or embrace the Talmud. Unlike other Christians, most HRM followers reject the traditional holidays of Christmas and Easter, insisting that they are pagan traditions.

HRM is not a monolithic movement with a central set of doctrines or formal organizational structure. Rather, HRM is made up of various independent groups, congregations, and sects. Many adherents of HRM prefer not to use the term "Hebrew Roots Movement." They self-identify as "Torah-keepers," "Torah-observant Christians", "Messianics," or "pronomians." [citation needed]

  1. ^ "What Is Torah?". Founded in Truth Fellowship.
  2. ^ "Q & A". House of David Fellowship.
  3. ^ "Apaulogetic". Apaulogetic. 3 November 2017.